Platelet RNA profile based liquid biopsy service
Low amount of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has been tackled the early detection of cancer.
We focus on cancer dependent RNA profile change in platelet to detect cancer earlier that ctDNA based method.
There are cancers without proper screening method.
We bring early detection possible cancer screening technology to cancers without screening.
Foretell My Health Expected benefit
of our thchnology in ovarian cancer
5 times incresement of early detection (at Stage I and II)
36% incresement of patients overall survival
Research results
2023. 04. AACR Poster (collaborative clinical research with SNUH)
2023. 10. Filing Patents - Korea : 10-2022-0133331- PCT : PCT/KR2023/016067
Tel. 054-261-6636 | Fax. 054-261-6636 |Mail. admin@foretell.bioPohang, Korea ㅣ Biz License 677-86-02480
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